Project management 

Staying on route, hitting all the stops, and arriving on time.  We work with you and your team of professionals to get your project up and running seamlessly.   

We are the right hand man-connecting you, your design and engineer team, general contractor, site supervisor and all sub contractors throughout the project. We ensure all buildout items are done in the proper order and stay on schedule.  Using your general contractors construction schedule, we develop a prioritized schedule that ensures every portion of the business is completed in the proper order to get you pouring fresh beer on a seamless opening night. Weekly conference calls with the GC or site supervisor of the build out and all subcontractors allow us to maintain schedule and advise on issues in a timely manner.  While under construction, we also work closely with your brewhouse builder and kitchen equipment supplier. Because of the long lead times in brewery equipment, it is crucial to make sure all equipment is on track with the construction pace. A few weeks prior to the completion of the brew house and the arrival of all ancillary equipment, we perform a site walk with the GC and all subcontractors on the project.  This site walk streamlines the process of delivery and set up, so you are operational and cranking out some quality beer and food as soon as possible. This service helps you avoid frustrating delays, expensive roadblocks, and unnecessary (and costly) fixes on your way to opening day.

Maybe you have already started creating your brewpub or restaurant and discover you could use some guidance from trusted professionals.  We can jump in a project from any point and save you money and headache.